Riccardo Rosati.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2006), pages 68-78, 2006. ISBN 978-1-57735-271-6.
The integration of Description Logics and Datalog rules presents many semantic and computational problems. In particular, reasoning in a system fully integrating Description Logics knowledge bases (DL-KBs) and Datalog programs is undecidable. Many proposals have overcomed this problem through a safeness condition that limits the interaction between the DL-KB and the Datalog rules. Such a safe integration of Description Logics and Datalog provides for systems with decidable reasoning, at the price of a strong limitation in terms of expressive power. In this paper we define DL+log, a general framework for the integration of Description Logics and disjunctive Datalog. From the knowledge representation viewpoint, DL+log extends previous proposals, since it allows for a tighter form of integration between DL-KBs and Datalog rules which overcomes the main representational limits of the approaches based on the safeness condition. From the reasoning viewpoint, we present algorithms for reasoning in DL+log, and prove decidability and complexity of reasoning in DL+log for several Description Logics. To the best of our knowledge, DL+log constitutes the most powerful decidable combination of Description Logics and disjunctive Datalog rules proposed so far.
@String{KR-06 = "Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR~2006)"} @Inproceedings{Rosa06b, author = "Riccardo Rosati", title = "{DL+log}: Tight Integration of Description Logics and Disjunctive Datalog", booktitle = KR-06, pages = "68--78", year = 2006, isbn = "978-1-57735-271-6", }